Researching Instagram hashtags: How to Do It

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, when Instagram didn’t have ads, companies from all over the globe could achieve astounding amounts of organic reach and engagement simply by posting content and using a few hashtags. When we fast-forward to the present, wow, have things changed! Businesses now need to make sure they are deliberately employing specific hashtags in a way that will help (not harm) their brand. Firms must conduct in-depth research on Instagram hashtags on to expand their reach and connect with new audiences.

Performing Instagram Hashtag Research

Look at Your Audience

Evaluate your audience first, keeping in mind that they are not the same as those you wish to reach on Instagram. Depending on your brand, the Instagram audience you could reach may be more youthful or female-skew than your current clientele.

Start by using Instagram Insights on Buy instagram likes monthly to assess your current Instagram audience. It may not be as vital if you only have a limited following, especially if you intend to expand it. It could be worthwhile to look into who is following you and enjoying your work so far if you have more than a few thousand followers, though. The outcomes could astound you.

Remember the guiding principles.

Relevance and hashtag popularity are the two guiding principles for researching Instagram hashtags. A good balance between the two should get achieved with the right hashtags.

It’s not enough to consider a hashtag’s usage statistics while selecting the ideal one. You can see how many results there are if you type a hashtag into Instagram’s search bar. It’s not always necessary to use a hashtag with millions of posts. Adopting a hashtag that is so widely used may not be very useful because your posts will get lost in the millions of others who are doing the same thing.

Research Useful Subjects

When researching hashtags on Instagram, start with those the most pertinent to your company. It can be a good idea to start with keywords already on your website. 

Beyond that, look for themes associated with your brands, such as broad categories, product categories, or hashtags conveying advice and details pertinent to your article.

Investigate Your Rivals

Check out the top Instagram posts of your main rivals and the most influential people in your sector. Which hashtags do they use? If they posted a second post, you need to search through the comments to discover it to find their hashtags.

But it doesn’t mean you should start copying their hashtags just because they had a popular post! Only make use of hashtags that are pertinent to your brand and the content of your particular posts.

Start Selecting Hashtags

Next, begin compiling lists of hashtags. You should select up to 30 hashtags for every post. You can use as few or as many as you like, but to make the most of every chance to gain new followers, we advise utilizing 25 to 30.

Every post you make may contain 1–5 hashtags. You may then add extra hashtags relating to more focused content areas.
